Bellingham Heritage Centre


Station Yard
Woodburn Road
NE48 2DG

Contact Information

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+44 (0)1434 220050

Special Interest

Our permanent displays are based on our five main collections:

The Border Counties Railway 1862-1958 comprised 42 miles of track from Hexham on the River Tyne to Riccarton, across the Scottish border, and had a marked impact on life in a previously remote area.

A Mining Heritage display features the relics and memories of the coal mines, iron works and quarries that were once busy industrial features in what is now largely a peaceful rural landscape.

The Photographs of W P Collier show a definitive picture of rural life in Northumberland between the two World Wars.

The Border Reivers display provides a fascinating insight into the robbery and violence that was rife in sixteenth century Border life.

The Stannersburn Smithy - is a recreation of a smithy which operated locally from the 1830s to the 1970s. The smithy is complete with over 500 tools - some of them handmade by the blacksmiths.

The Farming Gallery displays include a small grey Ferguson tractor, butter prints, shepherd's sticks, old photographs and advertisements as well as recordings of memories of farming in the 20th century.

Entrance Fees

Adults £4.00; Families £8; Children £2.50; Concessions £2.00.

Please see website for latest opening times.


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