House Of Meg Tea Room is situated in the village of Gilsland. There is a wide range of food and refreshments for all the walkers and people passing through. From jacket potatoes to home made soup and and our favourite homemade cakes and scones.
We offer Internet access for any updates, directions and that email home to your loved ones. we recently started to sell everyday essentials from daily newspaper and milk to bread and cheese.
The tea house has historical connections with a notorious seventeenth century landlady called Meg Merilees and her story was written in a book by Sir Walter Scott. The poem is painted on the wall inside the House of Meg.
“Mump's-hall, according to tradition, was once a public-house, kept by a notorious person of the name of Meg Teasdale, who drugged to death such of her guests who had money." - Hodgson's History of Northumberland 1841
4, Hall Terrace is universally known as Mumps Hall, and no reference is made to Merrilies Cottage or its site as being of any especial interest except for the legend of the tunnel joining it with Mumps Hall." The legend of Meg Merrilees was elaborated and made famous by Sir Walter Scott in his novel Guy Mannering where Meg had heroine status.