The Great North Museum: Hancock was purpose built in Newcastle as a natural history museum in 1884 to house the growing collections of the Natural History Society of Northumbria.
The Living Planet covers part of the ground and the first floor, and showcases wildlife and habitats - with both live and stuffed animals, as well as other representations.
The Hadrian’s Wall gallery lets visitors explore a scaled model of the Wall, as well as discover its history and all of the milecastles and museums that they can visit along its length.
The Mouse House, is a small play area especially for Under 5s with regular activities for younger visitors taking place here.
Fossil Stories is on the ground floor, and as well as displaying a replica of a T Rex skeleton, various fossils are exhibited to show how our landscape, animals, and plants have changed. Although, all small members of your family will be too engrossed with the TRex skeleton to notice much else for a while!
There are two mummies in the Ancient Egyptians display, as well as a fantastic narration, with images, of the Egyptian journey into the afterlife. The Greek and Etruscan are well represented too, in particular collections of art and archaeology.
Natural Northumbria focuses on all that is special about the North East of England animals and plants in the diverse and rich landscapes.
World Cultures features objects, clothing, and other items from Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, and the Islands of the Pacific.