Northumberland Honey Co, Meadery and Tasting Room

Northumberland Honey Co, Meadery and Tasting Room


Haltwhistle NE49 9HA, UK
NE49 9HA

Contact Information

Contact Name
Luke and Suzanne Hutchinson
Open every Saturday 11am - 2pm Meadery and Tasting Room, Haltwhistle.

Visit our tasting room and meadery at Haltwhistle. See the bees working in the observation hive, learn how Northumberland Honey Co, is re-defining what mead can be! Creating the mead equivalent of Champagne. Very drinkable and the perfect unique gift to take away from the heart of Hadrian's Wall. Northumberland Honey, Beeswax, Candles and beekeeping courses also available. A unique honey farm that produces the UKs first Sparkling and Floral Meads, the mead equivalent of Champagne!

Northumberland Honey keep around 150 colonies of bees in the Tyne Valley producing honey, both in the comb and jars, and have recently diversified into producing mead. All production is on site at the meadery, with a focus on sustainable production, whilst benefiting the bees of Northumberland.

You can visit the Meadery and Tasting room every Saturday 11am - 2pm or other days by arrangement, to see up close the bees working in the observation hive during summer, learn the process of this mead revolution and how Haltwhistle is becoming the centre for Sparkling Mead production and Northumberland's answer to Champagne.


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