Thriving communities built up around Hadrian's Wall, with settlements and forts being established to both feed and provide for both soldiers and the extended community around them. Corbridge was one such flourishing town, and was a vibrant community right up until the end of Roman Britain in the early years of the 5th century.
The Corbridge Hoard was one of the most significant finds in Roman history, and is an almost 2,000-year-old Roman time capsule, with amazingly well-preserved objects such as armour, tools, weaponry, wax writing tablets and papyrus.
Dating from between AD122 and 138, the contents of the hoard were found in excellent condition, due to the way that they were buried in an iron-bound, leather-covered wooden chest.
There is also a fantastic museum at Corbridge Roman Site, with 34,000 finds, including hairpins, pottery, combs, metalwork, stonework, armour, glassware, tombstones with various inscriptions, and a gaming board.
Also, a definite must-see is the famous Corbridge Lion, discovered at the site in 1907 and depicting a lion pouncing on its prey - which could be anything from a goat, to a stag, to a cow.