Explore Thirlwall Castle (the name means the Break in the Wall), an odd one because the Roman stones with which it was built (they were very handy, after all, and probably came from a bridge) were really too small for such a tall structure. No wonder, really, that so much of it has fallen down! (It has been made quite safe now by the Northumberland National Park Authority). Legend has it that after one raid, the golden table which was the lord’s greatest treasure was kept safe by the resident dwarf who jumped into the well with it. Sadly, we have yet to locate either the table or well. Edward I, the "Hammer of the Scots" stayed here on 20th September, 1306, on his way to launch another attack on the enemy near Burgh-by-Sands in Cumbria. Tables were turned during the Civil war, 1642-5, when it was commandeered as a supply depot by Scottish troops helping the Parliamentarians.